Farm Sale Results

160 Acres Crawford County


Number of Acres: 160 acres m/l
Selling Date: 09-29-2022
Selling Price: $9,900/acre
County: Crawford County, IA
Township: Stockholm Township

Documents & Maps

Farm Information

Property Location

6 miles north of Deloit on Hwy 39, 6 miles east on E16, and 1 mile south on 340th St.

Legal Description

The Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Eight-five (85) North, Range Thirty-eight (38), West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Crawford County, Iowa.

FSA Information

  • FSA Acres 151.91 ac., 139.97 Tillable
  • Corn Base: 96.20 acres
  • PLC Yield: 146 bushels/acre
  • Soybean Base: 49.45 acres
  • PLC Yield: 41 bushels/acre
  • CRP Contract: 6.26 acres @ $260/ac Expires 2026*Lease is open for 2023


Primary Soil: Marshall, Judson

Secondary Soils: Exira

Surety/Agridata Avg

CSR2: 72.9

Real Estate Taxes



  • The buyer(s) will be expected to pay 10% cash down payment day of auction and the balance at closing when clear and merchantable title will be given.
  • Closing is scheduled for November 1, 2022. Real estate taxes prorated to date of closing.
  • Possession is given at closing, subject to current tenant’s lease expiring February 28, 2023.
  • Announcements the day of the sale will supersede all other announcements.
  • The sellers will retain the right to refuse any or all bids.
  • Stalcup Agricultural Service, Inc. and its representatives are agents for the sellers.


Here is a typical Crawford County farm, with CRP income and 1 mile from a hard surfaced road. The farm has been owned by the same family for multiple generations and operated with a farm manager and local custom operator.

Listing Agent

Dan Niemeier AFM

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