Southeast Iowa Crop Conditions

Southeast Iowa Crop Conditions

Southeast of Storm Lake

Counties of: Calhoun, Webster, Hamilton, Carroll, Greene, Boone, Audubon, Guthrie, Dallas

Past Weeks Rainfall: None
Soil Moisture: Adequate
Temperature: Average to below average
Crop Progress: Reproductive


Crop Stage: Milk Stage
Yield Potential: Average


Crop Stage: Flowering/Setting Pods
Yield Potential: Average

Corn Market

Current Prices: $3.29 /bu
Fall Prices: $3.41 /bu
Past Weeks Trend: Higher

Soybean Market

Current Prices: $8.17/bu
Fall Prices: $8.11/bu
Past Weeks Trend: Higher


Luke Pearson AFM

The last couple weeks have been mostly dry and below average temps for those located southeast of Storm Lake. The temps are welcome but farmers are now wanting a little moisture to help fill corn ears and soybean pods.

Corn pollination went very well with very little stress. Now a little rain and cool nights would help increase kernel depth and weight as the plants push everything into producing the most grain possible for the conditions. While driving through the country it is very evident that a lot of fungicide is being applied this year by the amount of airplanes and helicopters flying low over the fields

Soybeans are entering the critical month for reproduction. Planting date is making a big difference this year as early planted soybeans were better able to handle the wet weather we had early in the season and now have good size and have closed the row (canopy). A little rain every week over the next month will help get soybeans up to their full potential.

Markets look like they may have hit bottom and are starting to rebound. The announcements last week about the EU buying more US soybeans in the future coupled with the USDA saying they will utilize up to $12 billion to aid farmers effected by the tariffs may have been the push that was needed to get things going in the right direction.

Crop Update Achives

Please click on the links on the right to view the past pdf’s of our Southeast Crop Conditions reports.

Market Conditions


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