Counties of: Emmet, Palo Alto, Kossuth, Winnebago, Hancock, Humboldt, Wright, and Pocahontas
Crops continue to progress well in the area while soil moisture conditions are bordering on saturated in many areas. We have been fortunate to miss the heavy, pounding rains in most areas. Most broad leaf weed herbicide application in corn will be finished this week, weather permitting. Soybean spraying has started as well.
Nationwide, crop ratings are still high, but took a step lower last week due to very heavy rain in many locations.The grain markets never seem to worry about too much rain, but our experience has been that more yield has been lost to excessive June rains over the years than infrequent droughts. It still is a long growing season
Please click on the links on the right to view the past pdf’s of our Northeast Crop Conditions reports.
1705 N Lake Ave
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Real Estate Licensed in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota.