Today's Land Owner

Special Edition - 75th Anniversary

Stalcup Ag Service, Inc. 75 Years of Growing

Rex Wilcox, AFM
Stalcup Ag Service is celebrating 75 years of growth and leadership in the farm management, rural appraisal, and farm real estate industry

Our Origin

The origin of the company was in the Great Depression of the thirties. Henry (Buck) Stalcup, the founder of the company, was born and raised in Indiana, graduated from Purdue, taught vocational agriculture for 10 years, then took a job as a farm agent for Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Peoria, Illinois.

Now, the Rest of the Story

Professional leadership and professional advancement has been a priority. Buck was instrumental in the development and teaching of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA) educational program.

A Farm Manager's Skill Set for the 50's Compared to Today

Most Stalcup-managed farms had full building sites to accommodate a family farm/diversified livestock operation. Building site quality determined the caliber of farmer who would lease your land.


In the late 60’s, the company was at a crossroads. The company ownership could have stayed with Buck Stalcup and Arne Waldstein, but they decided on a different course. Several factors affected long-range planning decisions that transformed the company.


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